We can orgaznize 30 min of quadding, 1h or much more if you wish. We have 6 quads ready to rumble so 6 people can easily do it at one time. If the group is bigger than 6 people the rest can wait for their tur in the nice restaurant. You will follow the instructor up the mountains and forests and experience different types of surface for example: sand, hills, slopes, streams, rivers, meadows, grass etc. After you finish driving on a quad in the mountains there is a nice restaurant in the place you start and finish so you can have a beer or meal if you want. Not Far away there are also thermal springs and if you feel like relaxing after first activity we can drive you there. We appreciate the contact ASAP as we neeed to put your group in the schedule.
Price for hiring a Quad:Every 30 min costs 140 zloty in total for a quad. We recommend to take 1 h minimum for 280 zl.
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